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Student Representation

Defending students and their futures.

When students face criminal charges or disciplinary hearings, their academic and professional futures are at risk. At the Law Offices of Andrew L. Bertrand, we provide dedicated defense to protect their rights and help them move forward.

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We represent students in both criminal court and school disciplinary hearings, defending their rights throughout.

We work to reduce the impact of charges on academic and future career opportunities.

We help students navigate the legal process with clear guidance and a focus on minimizing penalties.

Our goal is to safeguard students' futures while providing a strong defense.

An aerial view of a city skyline at sunset.

Protecting your future through student representation.

Facing criminal charges as a student can be overwhelming, especially when it threatens your academic standing and future career. At the Law Offices of Andrew L. Bertrand, we specialize in defending students charged with offenses such as DUI, drug possession, and assault, as well as those facing disciplinary hearings. We understand how high the stakes are for students, and we’re here to ensure that their rights are protected in both legal and academic settings.

We approach each case with the goal of minimizing the impact on a student’s life. Whether that means negotiating with school boards or defending in court, we work tirelessly to reduce penalties, keep criminal records clear, and maintain academic standing whenever possible. Each case is different, and we develop a defense strategy tailored to the student’s specific needs and circumstances.

We know that the legal process can be intimidating for students and their families. That’s why we maintain open communication, providing clear guidance and explaining each step along the way. Our priority is helping students move forward with their lives while mitigating the consequences of criminal or disciplinary actions.

  • Student Representation

    Based in Fort Collins, the Law Office of Andrew L. Bertrand, PC has extensive experience representing Colorado students in court proceedings and disciplinary hearings related to drug offenses and DUI charges. We are conveniently located near Colorado State University, and have also provided criminal defense services to students attending University of Northern Colorado, University of Colorado in Boulder, and Front Range Community College.

    Strong, Experienced Representation for Colorado College Students

    If you are a college student who has been charged with a crime, whether a misdemeanor or felony on or off campus, the stakes are high. The future that you have just begun working toward is at risk, including continued attendance at your school, available financial funding, graduate school opportunities, professional licensing, and desired employment.

    We understand how stressful and terrifying an arrest can be for our student clients. Most have never encountered the criminal justice system before, and many are far from home and without the immediate help and support of their families. At the Law Office of Andrew L. Bertrand, PC, our attorneys possess the compassion and legal skill to guide you through this difficult time and help you prevent criminal charges from severely affecting your life.

    Drug Offenses

    Student arrests related to illegal drug use are among the most common that occur on and off university campuses. We realize that most students are not habitual or dangerous drug users, but rather young adults testing the bounds of their newfound freedom. Unfortunately, few students consider the serious consequences of being charged with a drug offense when experimenting with drugs in a college environment. Our firm has experience handling a range of drug-related charges, such as:

    • Possession of marijuana
    • Possession of a controlled substance, such as cocaine, methamphetamine (meth), or ecstasy
    • Possession with intent to distribute (possession for sale)
    • Distribution of marijuana or another controlled substance
    • Prescription forgery and fraud

    Whether you face simple possession charges or a serious distribution charge, Colorado law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and judges are increasingly harsh on drug offenses, even for first-time offenders. Therefore, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney to fight the charges brought against you and minimize the consequences of an arrest. We understand how to effectively defend students, never forgetting that a clean criminal record is important, if not integral, to your future success.

    Drunk Driving (DUI) & Other Alcohol-related Offenses

    Driving under the influence is another common charge faced by college students. While DUI charges may be related to alleged marijuana use or other drug offenses, most frequently, DUI arrests stem from drinking alcohol on or off campus. In addition to drunk driving, alcohol-related offenses include:

    • Underage consumption of alcohol
    • Underage drinking and driving
    • Public intoxication
    • Use of alcohol in a dorm or anywhere on campus
    • Use of alcohol at a fraternity party
    • Possession, manufacture, sale, or distribution of fake identification to obtain alcohol

    If you have been arrested for DUI, you likely face large fines, loss of your driving privileges, probation, and even potential jail time, in addition to a permanent criminal record. These serious consequences demand strong defense representation. Too often, however, students charged with DUI simply assume their guilt because they tested over the legal limit (.08) at the time of arrest. In many of these cases, an experienced DUI lawyer could have challenged the charges and achieved a much better outcome. Our attorneys have helped many students defeat DUI charges, negotiate reduced penalties, and obtain minimum penalties in the event of a conviction.

    Disciplinary Hearings

    Criminal charges and a hearing before your school's disciplinary board are two completely separate processes. In fact, a university may choose to investigate an allegation of alcohol or drug use and hold a hearing even if related criminal charges are dropped. This is because a student disciplinary hearing does not require the same level of proof as a criminal proceeding. Even without a criminal conviction, a disciplinary board may find reason to remove you from on-campus housing, terminate your scholarships, or even expel you from college. Other sanctions may include:

    • Mandatory drug or alcohol testing
    • Mandatory counseling
    • Fines
    • Academic probation

    Given these potentially severe consequences, it is imperative to have experienced defense counsel represent you in disciplinary hearings as well as any criminal proceedings that stem from an investigation or arrest. At the Law Offices of Andrew L. Bertrand, we understand how to navigate the student disciplinary systems of Colorado universities, often helping our clients to avoid serious penalties and put an unfortunate situation behind them.

    Seek Smart, Aggressive Defense Counsel

    If you are a Colorado college student in need of criminal defense representation, contact the Law Office of Andrew L. Bertrand, PC for a free initial consultation. Being proactive and discussing your options with an experienced defense attorney is the best way to protect your rights and your future. For your convenience, we offer evening and weekend appointment times and accept all major credit cards.


In Colorado, over 1,000 students face disciplinary hearings each year for criminal charges.



About 15% of student arrests are related to drug and alcohol offenses. 


Students with criminal records are 50% less likely to receive job offers post-graduation.



You deserve the power of great counsel.

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