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The Importance of Estate Planning: Lessons from Alain Delon’s Final Wish

Lauren Rios • September 3, 2024

The Importance of Estate Planning: Lessons from Alain Delon’s Final Wish

A desk with a picture of a dog and a picture of a cat on it

The recent news surrounding Alain Delon, the esteemed French film icon, has drawn attention to the complex intersection of estate planning and pet care. Delon, who recently passed away at 88, left behind a poignant and somewhat controversial request: he wished for his beloved Belgian Malinois, Loubo, to be euthanized and buried with him. Thankfully, his family, alongside animal rights organizations, has chosen to honor Loubo's life by allowing him to continue living rather than fulfilling this unusual wish.


Summary of the Situation

Alain Delon's final wish for Loubo stirred significant public interest. Delon had a deep bond with his dog, whom he adopted in 2014. In a 2018 interview, he expressed his desire for Loubo to be euthanized and buried with him, describing the dog as his "end of life companion." However, following Delon's death, his family decided not to follow through with this request. Instead, Loubo will remain in the care of Delon’s family and continue to live at his residence. The decision aligns with contemporary views on animal welfare and reflects a more compassionate approach.


The Role of Estate Planning: Including Pet Trusts

This situation underscores a crucial aspect of estate planning that often goes overlooked: provisions for beloved pets. Estate planning isn't just about distributing financial assets; it's also about ensuring that all family members, including pets, are cared for according to your wishes. This is where pet trusts and special provisions come into play.


Pet Trusts: What They Are and Why They Matter

A pet trust is a legal arrangement designed to ensure that pets are provided for in the event of their owner’s death or incapacity. Unlike a traditional will, which simply leaves assets to beneficiaries, a pet trust allows for detailed instructions on how your pet should be cared for. Here’s how they work:

  1. Designating a Caregiver: You can name a specific person or organization to take care of your pet. This ensures that your pet will be placed in the hands of someone you trust.
  2. Funding the Trust: You can allocate funds within the trust to cover your pet’s care, including food, medical expenses, and other needs. This financial provision helps ensure that your pet’s quality of life is maintained.
  3. Detailed Instructions: The trust can include specific instructions about your pet’s care preferences, including medical treatments, dietary needs, and more.
  4. Enforcement: A trustee is responsible for managing the trust and ensuring that the caregiver follows your instructions. If the terms are not met, the trustee can take legal action to enforce them.


Why Proper Estate Planning Matters

Delon’s story highlights the need for comprehensive estate planning, including provisions for pets. Without clear and compassionate planning, there’s a risk that pets could face uncertain futures. By setting up a pet trust or including detailed provisions in your will, you ensure that your pets are cared for in a way that reflects your values and desires.


Estate planning is about more than just distributing assets—it's about protecting and providing for every member of your family, human or animal. By incorporating pet trusts into your estate plan, you can offer peace of mind that your furry friends will be cared for with the same love and consideration you provided them during your lifetime.


In conclusion, Alain Delon’s final request serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of thoughtful estate planning. By planning ahead, you can ensure that your legacy includes not only your material possessions but also the well-being of those you cherish most, including your pets.

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What Is a Trust Protector? Traditionally, the three roles that must be filled when setting up a trust are the settlor (also called a grantor, trustor, or trustmaker), the trustee, and the beneficiary. All three roles are necessary to create a trust that functions properly. Although it is relatively common to use trust protectors in foreign asset protection trusts, a trust protector is a fairly new role in trusts drafted in the United States for estate planning purposes. However, as the number of trusts designed to last for generations grows, estate plans need more built-in flexibility. Giving a trust protector, through the terms of the trust, certain powers over the trust, such as removing or appointing trustees, adding or removing beneficiaries, and amending or even terminating the trust, ensures that your intentions for creating the trust are fulfilled despite changing law or circumstances. How Is a Trust Protector Selected? A settlor may select as a trust protector any individual or group of individuals, such as family members, business associates, friends, attorneys, accountants, or other professional advisors. The naming of a trust protector may be specific, such as “my neighbor John Doe,” or general, such as “a CPA selected by the majority of the owners of the [ABC CPA Firm].” The settlor provides for and selects a trust protector in the trust agreement. Who Makes a Good Trust Protector? Because of the many and varied powers that a trust protector can hold, you should name a trust protector who has attributes, knowledge, or skills suitable for the responsibilities of the role. For example, if the trust protector has the power to amend the terms of the trust to account for changes in tax law, the trust protector should have some understanding of tax law and how it will impact the trust. If a trust protector has the power to veto or direct trust distributions to beneficiaries, the selected trust protector should understand the family history and desires of the settlor. Different powers may require the selection of different trust protectors or possibly a committee of trust protectors. What Does a Trust Protector Do? Based on your wishes, the purposes of the trust, and applicable laws, the trust protector can hold many different powers, including administrative powers traditionally held by a trustee, such as the power to make distributions, and judicial powers traditionally held by a court, such as the power to remove beneficiaries. Trust protector powers can include the power to remove a trustee or appoint a successor trustee, add or remove beneficiaries, amend the trust agreement, exercise the voting rights of closely held business interests owned by the trust, interpret the terms of the trust, veto or direct trust distributions, terminate the trust, and appoint and remove members of a distribution or investment committee. This list is not exhaustive, and you should include any of these or other trust protector powers only after careful consideration of your desires and purposes for creating the trust. Reasons for Including a Trust Protector in Your Trust-Based Estate Plan  There are several reasons to include a trust protector in your trust-based estate plan: Trust protectors offer increased flexibility and peace of mind. The administration of a perpetual trust that may last for generations can be a daunting task because no one knows what the future may hold. Including trust protector provisions in your trust agreement can ensure that your trust achieves your goals despite changing circumstances and laws. Trust protectors can provide additional oversight and support for a trustee. A trust protector can ensure that a trustee is properly administering the trust and carrying out the trust's purposes. If the trustee is delinquent in its duties, a trust protector may remove the trustee and appoint a better-suited trustee. A trust protector can also help a trustee correctly interpret trust provisions and address changes in the law or beneficiary circumstances. Trust protectors provide an easier and less costly means of modifying a trust. If a trust needs to be modified after the settlor's death, usually the only route is through the court system, a complicated and costly process. Giving a trust protector the power to modify the terms of a trust can prevent the need to go to court to modify the trust. Can I Name a Trust Protector for a Testamentary Trust? A testamentary trust, usually created through a will, comes into existence after the settlor dies and the will has been probated. A testator (the person who makes the will) can, and in many cases should, include trust protector provisions in a testamentary trust to ensure that their intent for the trust is properly carried out over time. Does Every State Allow Trust Protectors? State law varies in its treatment and classification of, and guidance for, trust protectors. Though many states have adopted a uniform set of laws governing trust protectors, or a modified version of these uniform laws, other states have not addressed trust protectors at all. It is important to consult an attorney familiar with your state's laws to understand whether trust protector provisions are right for you and your goals. Please contact us to learn more about naming a trust protector and discuss whether it is a good idea for you. We are happy to answer any questions you may have and help you craft an estate plan that is perfect for you and for your loved ones.
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